Vendor Spotlight: Warlord Games

This will be Warlord Games 5th year of attending MillenniumCon – we welcome Jon Russell and his team along with all their great Warlord Games products. This year MillenniumCon will feature the WORLDS LARGEST EPIC American Civil War battle held in the ball room next to the WG vendor booth. We will also be holding the Texas Bolt Action Championship Tournament along with a whole list of WG games. Make sure to stop by and say hi to Jon and his team. If you would like WG to bring you some merchandise and avoid the shipping costs write Jon now to ensure he can get it for you:

Sunday Flea Market at MillenniumCon 2021

Got a bunch of games, lead, books, or terrain that haven’t seen the light of day for a couple of years? Need room for more games in your closet? Looking for a bargain? Then the Sunday Flea Market is for you!

Each table costs $15.00 with a limit of two tables per person. You can reserve a table during the online registration period. After the registration period, you can purchase a table when you register at the convention door. Tables are limited to space available

Note: Flea Market tables are only available to non-professional sellers. Dealers must purchase tables in the vendor hall.

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