Blucher Spring 1813 Campaign

Alan Spencer has been running a Napoleonics campaign game at The Game Closet in Waco, TX. He is using the Blucher rules written by Sam Mustafa. If anyone is interested in joining, please contact The Game Closet and ask about the Blucher campaign.

Here is a short description of their most recent scenario and some pictures of the game in progress.

Battle of Loubino, Russia August 19, 1812
After the Battle/Siege of Smolensk, the Russian army, under the command of General Barclay de Tolly, is retreating toward Moscow in three columns. One of the columns passes through the small village of Loubino, which has a single bridge over which thousands of wagons, artillery, and men must pass.

French Marshals Ney and Murat are able to see the opportunity to choke off the Russian retreat and are quick to seize the initiative. Barclay must scramble to put up some sort of resistance – or thousands will all be captured and a great stock of Russian munitions, artillery, and food will in the hands of their foe.

Can the Russians hold off the advancing French forces until they can complete their crossing?

Pictures from our Blucher game today: Armies were late French vs Russian. Battlefield: Loubino, Russia. My Russians rolled like banshees and controlled all the objectives at game’s end. Thanks to Steve Leopard and Greg Dunn for coming out and gaming.

–Alan Spencer

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