New LSHM logo Red and Green Dice

New LSHM logo dice have arrived, in red and green – look for them as prizes from now until MillenniumCon. They will be for sale along with the LSHM tape measures. They make a nice match for your blue and white dice from 2018.

You can’t order these – you must either win them at an LSHM sponsored event or purchase at MillenniumCon! They are collector items! My troops always roll and fight better with LSHM dice and move faster with the LSHM tape measure!

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Blucher Spring 1813 Campaign

Alan Spencer has been running a Napoleonics campaign game at The Game Closet in Waco, TX. He is using the Blucher rules written by Sam Mustafa. If anyone is interested in joining, please contact The Game Closet and ask about the Blucher campaign.

Here is a short description of their most recent scenario and some pictures of the game in progress.

Battle of Loubino, Russia August 19, 1812
After the Battle/Siege of Smolensk, the Russian army, under the command of General Barclay de Tolly, is retreating toward Moscow in three columns. One of the columns passes through the small village of Loubino, which has a single bridge over which thousands of wagons, artillery, and men must pass.

French Marshals Ney and Murat are able to see the opportunity to choke off the Russian retreat and are quick to seize the initiative. Barclay must scramble to put up some sort of resistance – or thousands will all be captured and a great stock of Russian munitions, artillery, and food will in the hands of their foe.

Can the Russians hold off the advancing French forces until they can complete their crossing?

Pictures from our Blucher game today: Armies were late French vs Russian. Battlefield: Loubino, Russia. My Russians rolled like banshees and controlled all the objectives at game’s end. Thanks to Steve Leopard and Greg Dunn for coming out and gaming.

–Alan Spencer

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LSHM Logo Tape Measures

Don’t you just hate it when your artillery is out of range to the enemy, and it will be at least three turns to limber them up and move them to higher ground? Well, LSHM has a special treat that will solve this problem forever. We will be introducing LSHM Logo Tape Measures at GamExpo this coming weekend! A small batch of these exclusive gifts will be handed out to game winners during the convention. With one of these tools, your artillery will never be out of range again!

GamExpo will be held March 15-17th at the Hilton San Antonio Airport hotel. LSHM will be running games throughout the weekend in the Austin Room; Blood and Plunder, SPECTRE Operations, Ogre Miniatures, Sharp Practice, Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game, Blitzkrieg Commander and Fallout: Wasteland Warfare. There is something for everyone, so join us! Admission is just $30 for the whole weekend. For more info, please check out

Victory without Quarter

Blake ran a game from the Pike and Shotte era this past Sunday at Multiverse Games in San Antonio. Here is his report:

Today’s Pike and Shotte game. Situation, Royalist are sending a relief force to raise the siege but the Parliamentarians heard of the force so sent an delaying force to the crossroads to stop the Royalist. Royalist cavalry arrived to find the crossroads blocked by a force of Scots. While awaiting the infantry to arrive they took shelter in some woods. after several delays by the infantry to arrive the Royalist started their advance on the crossroads. The Royalist Cavalry charge stalled by the accurate fire of the trotters and force them to rout, in the rout, Earl of Chester was trampled. As night fell, the Scots still had control of the crossroads and the Royalist withdrew to reorganize.

Rules used were Victory Without Quarter. The first 5 turns the end of turn card was drawn as either the 2nd or 3rd card drawn. Artillery was more of a nuisance that any deciding factor and the random events kept the game fun.

Looking forward to the next game.

Flames of War — Vietnam

Every week, we will showcase a game report from a game that LSHM members have played recently. Enjoy!

‘Nam Wrap-up by Chris Lisanti,
Last night we had Wes (ARVN), Kevin (Aussies) and Justin (Americans) take on Tony and Chris (Local Nationalist forces) in the Search and Destroy mission. The Free World players got the side with only 2 objectives while the Nationalist forces got the side with 3 objectives.

By turn 2, the Nationalist forces struck first taking the first objective. However, that was the end of the victory party as the two objectives on the Free World side were taken by the Aussies with good pressure from the Americans on the right flank and the ARVN on the left flank.

The Americans pushed the Nationalists off the right objective and
decimated the infantry unit trying to take the middle objective. On the
last turn, the Americans took the right objective earning the Free
World team the victory. Great play and good fun. See you next week
for Third World War Thursday.

2019, A Great Year for gaming!

Hello all, LSHM is looking forward to 2019. It’s going to be an awesome year full of historical games, discussion, and events! Here are a few news items to tell you.

  • MillenniumCon 22 is tentatively scheduled for November 8th, 2019. This is not 100 percent certainty at this time, but we are working to secure that date.
  • The LSHM Board met for the first time this year. All Board members from last year will continue to serve in their positions. Please see the image below for details.
  • The LSHM Newsletter is sent via email on a monthly basis. To be added to the mailing list please contact Charles Torok. A sample of the first page is shown below.
  • LSHM has a strong Social Media presence. The club uses these outlets to communicate with members and other players. Membership in the club is not necessary to participate in these networks. We are on the following online services:
  1. The blog you are currently reading at
  2. We have a Facebook discussion group at
  3. On Instagram, @LSHMGames
  4. On Twitter, @LSHMGames

The Facebook group is very active with over 500 members! Keep informed about all LSHM events and activities for 2019 by joining us online.